In this work we review a number of existing proposals for distributed payment systems that offer some form of auditability for regulators.
In this work we review a number of existing proposals for distributed payment systems that offer some form of auditability for regulators.
We propose separating the task of transaction dissemination from transaction ordering, to enable high-performance Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus in a permissioned setting.
As a starting point, we evaluated our solution against the widely-used secp family of elliptic curves and show that we can achieve storage reduction by 7x-14x, depending on the group size.
In this paper we provide an overview of broken liability proof systems used in production today and suggest fixes, in the hope of closing the gap between theory and practice.
In this paper, we present the current state of affairs in relation to NFTs and the cultural heritage sector, identifying challenges, whilst highlighting opportunities that they...
This work formalizes the PoA requirements in account-based blockchains, focusing on the unique hierarchical account structure of the Diem blockchain, formerly known as Libra.
The Move Prover (MVP) is a formal verifier for smart contracts written in the Move programming language.
We generalize PoL for these applications by attempting for the first time to standardize the goals it should achieve from security, privacy and efficiency perspectives.
This work enhances permissioned and permissionless blockchains with the ability to manage confidential data without forfeiting availability or decentralization.
In this work, we combine a novel cryptographic variant of a deep error correcting code technique with a modified SAT solver scheme to apply the attack on AES keys.