To be held at the W Bellevue Hotel (Washington), the annual three-day event brings together top experts in the areas of programming languages, software engineering, and machine learning. The event specifically aims to encourage collaboration and exchange of ideas between academia and industry, and across companies.
Starting on Tuesday, September 17, and new to this year’s function, is a full-day workshop including the winners of the Probability and Programming research awards. These 10 winning proposals will be presented by the awardees and given the opportunity to field questions and provide insight into their work about the fundamental problems at the intersection of machine learning, programming languages, and software engineering.
Day two (Wednesday, September 18) will be the second annual occurrence of the Big Code Summit. Just as machine learning has pervaded almost every major industry, it is poised to make a significant impact on how we develop software. Like the inaugural summit in London, the talks and discussion in this event will focus on applying techniques from machine learning to building innovative developer tools.
In its third annual occurrence, PLEMM, Programming Languages Enthusiasts Mind Melt, will be held on Thursday, September 19. The conference will cover a number of trending topics in programming languages such as the design of high-performance virtual machines for dynamic programming languages, parallel compilers, safety of c++ programs, program analysis, and tooling. PLEMM will bring together a broad range of language, systems, hardware, and compiler experts with the goal to exchange ideas, aiming to bridge the usual gaps between academia and industry, and between people in different disciplines.
Attendance to the three-day event is free, but it requires registration in advance. Please follow this link to register.