Headshot of Aishwarya Ganesan
Headshot of Aishwarya Ganesan


Aishwarya Ganesan

University of Wisconsin, Madison


Aishwarya Ganesan is a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, advised by Prof. Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau and Prof. Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau. She is broadly interested in distributed systems, storage systems, and operating systems. Her research has exposed reliability problems in popular distributed storage systems in the presence of realistic failures (e.g., system crashes, storage faults). Currently, her research focuses on improving the reliability of these systems without compromising their performance.

Her research has been recognized with a best-paper award at FAST ’18 and a best-paper-award nomination at FAST ’17. She was selected for the Rising Stars in EECS ’18 workshop. Before starting her Ph.D., Aishwarya was a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research India in the Mobility, Networks, and Systems group. For more information, please visit her webpage.