Headshot of Stewart Grant
Headshot of Stewart Grant


Stewart Grant

UC San Diego


I was born and raised on the south arm of the Fraser River near Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada. I received a public education from various BC schools, and completed a BS and MS in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia, working with Ivan Beschastnikh. I am currently working on a PhD in the same field from the University of California San Diego with Alex Snoeren. My work has always been focused on distributed systems, and is currently aimed at finding practical solutions for resource disaggregation using commodity programmable network devices. This work explores techniques for accelerating one sided RDMA on passive banks of memory. These techniques involve resolving contention using network devices, and developing disaggregation aware algorithms. I also spend a lot of time rock climbing on granite. Come say hello if you meet me in person. If you would like to know more, visit my homepage.