In this paper we develop the first principled solution for optimizing function layouts in the mobile space.
In this paper we develop the first principled solution for optimizing function layouts in the mobile space.
To address this gap, we introduce meta-learning for equilibrium finding and learning to play games. We establish the first meta-learning guarantees for a variety of fundamental...
We study fully dynamic online selection problems in an adversarial/stochastic setting that includes Bayesian online selection, prophet inequalities, posted price mechanisms...
We show how market designers can use taxes or subsidies in Fisher markets to ensure that market equilibrium outcomes fall within certain constraints.
We consider the problem of truthfully auctioning a single item, that can be either fractionally or probabilistically divided among several winners when their bids are...
In this work we introduce a new class of mechanisms composed of a traditional Generalized Second Price (GSP) auction and a fair division scheme, in order to achieve some...
We present experiments using real datasets with up to 15k users and items, which show that our approach obtains better trade-offs than the baselines on a variety of...
This paper studies equilibrium quality of semi-separable position auctions (known as the Ad Types setting [9]) with greedy or optimal allocation combined with generalized...
We introduce a novel regularizer which can describe those distributional preferences, while keeping the problem tractable. We show that this regularizer can be integrated into an...
In this paper we provide an overview of broken liability proof systems used in production today and suggest fixes, in the hope of closing the gap between theory and practice.